
The customer was looking for AWS expertise that would provide solutions on AWS and help them implement the entire Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with no manual intervention and auto rollbacks in the case of deployment failures with AWS services. The solution should be highly scalable having Application and Resource monitoring solution which provide real-time updates and alerts if any pipeline or service gets failed. 


We configured unique Jenkins Pipelines that were implemented for automated deployments. Jenkins Cluster was hosted in EKS Cluster with Master-Slave strategies which enable multiple deployments at the same time. Prometheus and Grafana were configured and integrated with Jenkins Master to take real-time metrics and show dashboards of Jenkins Pipelines and Virtual Fleets deployed in the EKS Cluster. We also configured the tools like SonarQube, Coverity, Alert Manager, etc. in the solution for security and alerting. We used Terraform for infra automation