Intelligent Occupacy Tracker


Our customers demand an Automatic Passenger Counting system with event-triggered object detection and fast event-based analysis, adaptable to minimal hardware requirements and easily integrated with existing camera setups. Additionally, they require deployment on trains for precise passenger tracking and features like "Objects Crossing Beam" , "Object Not Present in Area." and “Object Tracking Algorithms” Moreover, they insist on individual object tracking capabilities. 


Intelligent Occupancy Tracker (IOT) Our system employs efficient trigger-based detections, guaranteeing precise event monitoring and enabling timely responses to potential threats or critical situations. Event Monitoring with Trigger-Based Detections Track over 95 objects simultaneously, bolstering surveillance capabilities and situational awareness. Our solution harnesses the power of self-learning algorithms, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to dynamic environments, elevating the effectiveness of your security measures. Enhanced Surveillance with Self-Learning Algorithms Our solution is a sophisticated smart system leveraging the YOLOv7 architecture, capable of detecting and tracking over 95+ objects with precision. We've engineered it to operate on a trigger-based detection mechanism, providing accurate counts of individuals within specified areas of interest or crossing designated beam lines. By optimizing the algorithm, we've significantly enhanced its speed compared to the original development. Additionally, we've implemented advanced tracking algorithms to monitor objects effectively. Furthermore, we've trained a custom model on our proprietary dataset, enabling seamless integration of new objects into the existing model, ensuring continuous adaptability and reliability